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Artist by 
Rielle Yap Ong


Take place in the 80s in Hong Kong. An evil sun is trying to melt the city, and a brave girl from a convenience store stood up and fight the sun.


The Sun is Bad is a hybrid  film. 2D animation in 3D background. The animation was made in SCAD as senior capstone project in 2023.

I'm the 3D technical director of the team. I'm responsible for modeling methods, 3d quality control, scene setup, shader, software setting, decision making and problem-solving.

Render Pass


Background for proof of concept

Color Ramp

I made a color ramp shader for the exterior. The shader will affect by the light in the scene. For the film, we use white and yellow as the brightest color and green as the darkest color. 

Grease Pencil

We also used grease pencil on top of 3D space to add more details. 

Render pass overlap

The background rendered in both  Eevee and Cycles.

Eevee rendered the base color, lighting.


Cycles rendered the overexposed  lighting.


Rookie film of the year -2D animation 2023 

Rookie Excellence award 2023


Student Academy Awards finalists 2023

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